Oregon Secretary of State

Oregon History: Bibliography - Articles

​Abbott, Carl and Deborah Howe. "The Politics of Land-Use Law in Oregon Senate Bill 100, Twenty Years After," Oregon Historical Quarterly 94 (Spring 1993): 4-35.
Azuma, Eiichiro. "A History of Oregon's Issei, 1880-1952," Oregon Historical Quarterly, 94 (1993-94): 315-68.
Boyd, Robert. "Another Look at the 'Fever and Ague' of Western Oregon," Ethnohistory 22 (Spring, 1975):135-54.
Caldwell, J. R. "The First Fruits of the Land: A Brief History of Early Horticulture in Oregon," Oregon Historical Quarterly, 7 (March, 1906): 28-51, 151-62.
Clark, Malcolm H., Jr. "The War on the Webfoot Saloon," Oregon Historical Quarterly, 58 (March, 1957): 48-62.
Corbett, P. Scott and Nancy Parker Corbett. "The Chinese in Oregon, c. 1870-1880," Oregon Historical Quarterly 78 (March, 1977): 73-85.
Cox, Thomas R. "Conservation By Subterfuge: Robert M. Sawyer and the Birth of Oregon State Parks," Pacific Northwest Quarterly, 64 (January, 1973): 21-29.
-----. "The Crusade to Save Oregon's Scenery," Pacific Historical Review, 31 (May, 1968): 179-199.

Davis, Lenwood G. "Sources for History of Blacks in Oregon." Oregon Historical Quarterly, 73 (September, 1972): 197-211.
Ellis, David Maldwyn. "The Oregon and California Railroad Land Grant, 1866-1945," Pacific Northwest Quarterly, 39 (1948).
Fahl, Ronald H. "S. C. Lancaster and the Columbia River Highway: Engineer as Conservationist," Oregon Historical Quarterly, 74 (June, 1973): 104-44.
Hill, D. G. "The Negro as a Political and Social Issue in the Oregon Country," Journal of Negro History 33 (April, 1948): 130-45.
Howison, Neil M. "Report of Lieutenant Neil M. Howison on Oregon, 1846," Oregon Historical Quarterly, 14 (March, 1913): 1-60.
Horowitz, David. "The Klansman as Outsider: Ethnocultural Solidarity and Antielitism in the Oregon Ku Klux Klan of the 1920s," Pacific Northwest Quarterly, 80 (January, 1989): 12-20.
-----. "Social Morality and Personal Revitalization: Oregon's Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s," Oregon Historical Quarterly, 90 (Winter, 1989): 365-384.
Johansen, Dorothy O. "Oregon's Role in American History: An Old Theme Recast," Pacific Northwest Quarterly, 38 (April, 1949): 85-92.
Johnson, Daniel P. "Anti-Japanese Legislation in Oregon, 1917-1923," Oregon Historical Quarterly, 97 (Summer, 1996): 176-210.
McClintock, Thomas C. "Seth Lewelling, William S. U'Ren and the Birth of the Oregon Progressive Movement," Oregon Historical Quarterly, 68 (June, 1967): 197-220.
Messing, John. "Public Lands, Politics, and Progressives: The Oregon Land Fraud Trials, 1903-1910," Pacific Historical Review 35 (1966).
Mills, Randall V. "A History of Transportation in the Pacific Northwest," Oregon Historical Quarterly, 45 (September, 1946): 281-312.
Richard, K. Keith. Unwelcome Settlers: Black and Mulatto Oregon Pioneers, Oregon Historical Quarterly 84 (Winter and Spring, 1983): 29-55, 173-205.
Robbins, William G. The Indian Question in Western Oregon: The Making of a Colonial People. In Experiences in a Promised Land: Essays in Pacific Northwest History, G. Thomas Edwards and Carlos A. Schwantes, eds. University of Washington Press, Seattle, WA., 1986, pp. 51-67.
Savage, W. Sherman. "The Negro in the History of the Pacific Northwest," Journal of Negro History 8 (July, 1928): 255-64.
Tamura, Linda. "Railroads, Stumps, and Sawmills: Japanese Settlers of the Hood River Valley," Oregon Historical Quarterly, 94 (Winter 1993- 94): 369-98.
Taylor, Quintard. "The Emergence of Black Communities in the Pacific Northwest, 1864-1910," Journal of Negro History, 64 (Fall, 1974): 342- 54.
-----. "The Great Migration: The Afro-American Communities of Seattle and Portland During the 1940s," Arizona and the West 23 (Summer 1981): 109-26.
Toy, Eckard V. "The Ku Klux Klan in Oregon." In Experiences in a Promised Land: Essays in Pacific Northwest History, G. Thomas Edwards and Carlos A. Schwantes, eds. University of Washington Press, Seattle, WA., 1986.
Williams, James C. "The Long Tom Rebellion," Oregon Historical Quarterly 67 (March, 1966): 54-60.

Woolley, Ivan M. "The 1918 'Spanish Influenza' Pandemic in Oregon," Oregon Historical Quarterly, 64 (September, 1963): 246-58.
Yasui, Barbara. "The Nikkei in Oregon, 1834-1940," Oregon Historical Quarterly 76 (September, 1975): 225-57.
Young, Frederick George, ed. "The Correspondence and Journals of Captain Nathaniel Wyeth," Sources of Oregon History 1, Pts. 3-6. University Press, Eugene, OR., 1899.