This image is a vertical or portrait orientation. The Oregon Blue Book cover size means we require this orientation for images to be considered for the cover photo contest. The image above is of the Warner Lakes area at sunset. (Oregon State Archives Photo)
Image Size Examples
This is the preferred size of JPEG format images to send in for judging in the photo contest. While some variation is fine, images that are significantly smaller make judging difficult. Images that are significantly larger can exceed email attachment limits. Our attachment limit per email is 20 megabytes, yours may be less.
This is the required minimum size of TIFF format or high quality JPEG format images needed from the winning photographers for printing on the front and back covers of the
Oregon Blue Book.
Finding Image Size
Depending on your software, there are several ways to find the width and height of your images in pixels. Here are standard ways on Windows and Mac computers:
Right click on image;
Choose Properties; then choose Details from tabs;
This will show information about the image, including the width and height in pixels.
Right click or control + click on image icon;
Choose Get Info
This will show information about the image, including the dimensions in pixels under More Info.
Changing Image Size
Depending on your software, there are several ways to change the width and height of your images in pixels. These include Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Photoshop, GIMP and other applications. Here are two standard options available on most Windows and Mac computers:
Open image in Paint;
This application allows you to crop and resize images.
Open image in iPhoto or Photos;
These applications allow you to crop and resize images.