Oregon Secretary of State

Yamhill County Addresses

​​​ Assessor's Office​: Courthouse, 535 NE 5th St, McMinnville, OR 97128; 
Circuit Court Office and Records Storage Rooms: Courthouse, 535 NE 5th St, McMinnville, OR 97128; 
Clerk's Office​ (Stern Building): 414 NE Evans St, McMinnville, OR 97128-4607; ​
McMinnville School District​ Administration Building, Records Room: 800 NE Lafayette Ave, McMinnville, OR 97128;
Oregon Historical Society: 1200 SW Park Ave, Portland 97205;
Oregon State Archives​: 800 Summer St NE, Salem, OR 97310;
Planning and Development Department Office: 525 NE 4th St, McMinnville, OR 97128;
Public Works Departm​ent​ Office: 2060 Lafayette Ave, McMinnville, OR 97128;
Stern Building, Clerk's Basement Records Rooms: No public access. Contact the clerk's office;
Surveyor's Office​ ​and Storage: 525 NE 4th St, McMinnville, OR 97128;
Yamhill County 4th Street (Stanard) Building: No public access. Contact the clerk's office or circ​uit court​ office;
Yamhill County Courthouse (All offices and storage areas): 535 NE 5th St, McMinnville, OR 97128;
Yamhill Cou​nty Fairgrounds​: 2070 Lafayette Ave, McMinnville, OR 97128;
Yamhill Count​y Jail​,​ Administrative Sergeant's Office: 535 NE 5th St, McMinnville, OR 97128;
Yamhill County Museum Research Library​: 605 Market St, Lafayette, OR 97127.