Non-State Employees: Create an account in Workday.
State Employees: Register in Workday using your regular account.
Intro to Oregon Public Records
As public employees, we have an individual responsibility to maintain a basic understanding of public records regulations, rules, and best practices. This training provides an overview of relevant, Oregon-specific details of public records law as well as overall record management principles and practices.
Self-directed training with interactive elements:
Search in Workday for "SOS - ARC - Intro to Oregon Public Records (Self-Directed)".
Best for learners looking for a quicker refresher or who have limited records management responsibilities.
Live training hosted remotely on Zoom:
Search in Workday for "SOS - ARC - Intro to Oregon Public Records (Records Management 101)".
Best for learners who need to go into more depth or want be able to have their questions answered during the training.
Upcoming dates:
- Thurs., Sept. 19, 2024, 10:00 - 11:30am
- Tues., Nov. 19, 2024, 10:00 - 11:30am
- Tues., Jan. 14, 2025, 10:00 - 11:30am
Records Officer Onboarding
This training is targeted towards Records Officers, though Records Coordinators and those aspiring to move into a Records Officer role are all welcome.
If you are not already familiar with the basics of records management, please attend a live session of Intro to Oregon Public Records or complete the self-directed version prior to this training.
Live training hosted remotely on Zoom:
Search in Workday for "SOS - ARC - Agency Records Officer Onboarding".
Upcoming dates:
- Thurs., Feb. 20, 2025, 10:00 - 11:30am