Oregon Secretary of State

OARD Frequently Asked Questions

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Advanced Text Searc​h​

Use the "Rule Text Search" in to search all permanent and temporary rules that are in effect, Agency (OAR chapter) names and rule division names, as well as rule numbers, titles, and statutory (ORS) citations associated with the rules.

Use this reference to get the best results: OARD Text Search FAQ


Getting Started (Rules Coordinator or Rules Writer)

​​Yes. We have tutorials on YouTube​. The videos are numbered, but do not have to be watched in order. 

You can also read the rules on how to file Administrative Rules in OAR 166-500​.
  1. ​​​Create an OIM login​
  2. Submit your name and login information using the Rules Coordinator and Delegation of Authority form​ to the Publications Unit at the Oregon State Archives.​
  3. Wait for approval. (Usually 3 business days or less)
  1. ​​Create an OIM login​
  2. Contact the Rules Coordinator​ for the chapter and division ​you need to access. They will assign and maintain your chapter and division access.
​​After you log in, you'll be prompted to select which chapter you'd like to work in. If you'd like to switch, select "Change Chapters" from the drop-down list on your dashboard.
​At least 1 and up to 5. You may use these as back-up or alternates, or assigned to specific program areas.

​As many as you would like to maintain. Rules Writers may be content experts, economists, rule drafters, or program specialists. Be aware the Publications Unit does not maintain access for Rules Writers. This is the responsibility of the Rules Coordinators.
Rules are posted online on the Effective date and after the Publications unit has approved the filing.​
​​The last calendar day of the month. We suggest submitting by the 27th of the month to allow time to make corrections.​​​
​​Not ​necessarily. If you have outstanding corrections that need to be resolved your filing​ will not be included in the Bulletin.
This has less effect on Permanent and Temporary filings, which retain their effective date and will be viewable online once corrected. This may have more impact on a Notice. If it is not corrected in time to be included in the upcoming Bulletin you may have to re-schedule a hearing or alter the last day for public comment.
We recommend filing notice at least 3 days before the end of the month to avoid this.

​​For more information on filing requirements and deadlines, see OAR 166-500​​​​
​​​The first calendar day of the month. Filings correctly submitted in a calendar month will be included in the following ​month Bulletin.
If any corrections are pending, it may not be included in the Bulletin.​​

For more information on filing requirements and deadlines, see OAR 166-500​​
​You have 48 hours to make the requested correction and re-submit it to the Publications Unit through OARD. If not returned within 48 hours, the filing may be voided.

​​ No. After submitting a Permanent, Temporary, or Statutory Minor Correction Filing, the Receipt copy will be available in the Filings work queue.

When a Notice, Permanent, Temporary, or Statutory Minor Correction is published by the Publications Unit, the Tracked Changes document will appear in the Filings Final queue.​​​

Yes. Attach 1 PDF per rule. This PDF will be linked at the end of the rule. Each time you file a rule you need to replace the attachment. The attachment will NOT move forward from the old version. If you do not re-attach the PDF with each new version, it will not be considered part of the rule.

Include all non-text content as a PDF attachment. Examples: tables, forms, maps, images.

If you have text-based rule language it needs to be included in the rule text. For example, insert appendices text into rule text.

To do this: add a new paragraph at the end of your rule text. Using proper outlining, extend your rule to include the appendix as shown below.

(10) An operation certificate will be issued to the permittee in accordance with OAR 340-150-0160(4) after department review and approval of the completed installation checklist and all required documentation. [END OF EXISTING RULE]

(11) Appendix A: Appendix Title 
(a) content...

Rules Writer Dashboard

  1. ​Current Rules Queue: A list of all the rules you have access to edit in your Chapter. If you have access to every division in your chapter, you will see every rule. Use the Adopt New Rule button to create a new rule draft.

  2. Draft Rule Queue: A list of all the rule drafts you have started. Once sent to a Rules Coordinator, the status will update so you can see when it's attached to a filing and submitted to the Publications Unit.

  3. Filings Final Queue: A list of all filings submitted and published by the Publications Unit. From here you may view a final filing, print a receipt copy, and start a rule draft from the submitted version.
​​​From the Current Rules Queue either select "start draft" to amend an existing rule or "Adopt New Rule" button to create a new rule draft.

NOTE: Rule writers may only edit rule drafts they create.

No. There is no limit on the number of rules in your Rule Draft Queue. There is a one draft per rule number.​

Only Rules Coordinators may add rules to a Filing draft.

Once complete, from the draft rule screen, use the button "Send" to submit your rule to the Rules Coordinators. Selecting "Save" does not submit or send your draft. Be sure you have no further edits before sending. Once you send the rule draft you may not edit it again unless the Rules Coordinator returns it to you. 

It's a good idea to save your work often.​

No. Rules Writers only have the ability to edit their own rule drafts.​
No. Only Rules Coordinators can create or edit filings. Use the "notes" field in your rule draft to indicate you have content that needs to be included in a filing.
Use this space to communicate with Rules Coordinators. This content will not be part of any rule or filing. Examples: reminders of when it should be filed, if a particular rule draft should be attached to a certain filing type, or further action needed.​​

Rules Coordinator Dashboard

  1. ​​​​Current Rules Queue: A list of all the rules in your chapter. Start a new rule draft, or minor correction, or use the Adopt New Rule button to create a new rule draft.

  2. Rules Work Queue: A list of all the rule drafts in this chapter created by you, other Rules Coordinators or Rules Writers. You may edit any of these. Once a rule has been added to a filing, it will no longer be in the Rules Work Queue.

  3. Filings Work Queue: A list of all draft, returned for correction, or submitted filings. Filings here are NOT completed or published.

  4. Filings Final Queue: A list of all filings that have been published or voided by the Publications Unit. View final filings, print receipt copies, or create a rule draft from a published filing.
Filings must include at least one rule to be saved. We recommend drafting rules first. ​​Start in your Dashboard in OARD. Watch a walk through for each filing type in our YouTube playlist: 
​From the Current Rules Queue select "start draft" to amend, suspend, repeal or renumber an existing rule. Or, select the "Adopt New Rule" button to create a new rule draft.

On the Dashboard, from the drop-down menu select "Maintain Divisions." Add new divisions that do not currently exist or remove divisions that have no current rules. You may edit division titles.
To start a rule draft in a new division, the new division must be created first.
​On the Dashboard from the drop-down menu select "Maintain Divisions." From here you can update existing, add new or remove division titles at any time.

​No. Make sure your filing is published correctly by checking your Dashboard. Your Filing is complete and correctly filed when it is listed under the Filings Final Queue.

If your Filing requires correction it will be remain in the Filings Work Queue, status “Returned for Corrections” highlighted in red. You’ll have 48 hours to make the requested corrections.

For more information on filing requirements and deadlines, see OAR 166-500.

​A filing turns red in the Filings Work Queue when returned for correction. Select "Edit" from the options to the right. You may only change the field(s) in red that require a correction. Follo​w the directions from the notes on the right and make the required change.

Save and re-submit the corrected filing. All requested corrections must be made before it can be re-submitted. NOTE: The filing cannot be returned to a Rules Writer.

You have 48 business hours to return your filing with corrections. If not returned within that time the filing may be voided.
No​. You may have as many drafts as you need for your filing needs. However, there is only one draft of each rule number allowed.
On the Dashboard, from the drop-down menu, select "Maintain Rules Writers". Using heir OIM login (user name) y​ou may assign new divisions or edit the assignments of existing Rules Writers on this page.
Yes. Rules Coordinators may edit any draft to rule or filing.

Rule Writers have an option to send it to you within OARD when they are done. This may indicate it is no longer considered a draft and ready for you to add it to a filing. If you need it before the Rules Writer sends it to you, you are able to edit, delete, or accept it and add it to a filing at any time.

​​​​Notice Filing

​​​Watch the tutorial on YouTube: Video #5 File a Notice of Rulemaking >​​​​​


  1. Use the Filing Contact to list the Program Area Expert, Rule Writer or yourself as the main contact for comments.
  2. Use the Special Instructions to notify the public of parking, ADA accommodations, details, time or sign-in requirements ahead of the hearing.
  3. Add as many hearings as you require.
  4. You may add additional rules with the "Add Rule" button.
Yes, in order to invite the public in the clearest manner, a full street address is required.
​The requirements for a Notice filing are combined into one form or one page online. You must fill out all the boxes to submit your filing.
​Yes. For transparency to the public, OARD requires Proposed rule text. The Proposed rule text will be included in the receipt copy, making it easier for you to send to interested parties and Legislators.​

​Yes. It will be available to the public in the monthly Oregon Bulletin​.

​​​​Permanent and Temporary Filing

​The Rule Summary is a required field, located on the Edit rule page. Indicate the change to the rule, and why, in this field. It will follow the rule to the filing you attach it to.
The requirements for a Temporary filing are combined into one form or one page on-line. You must fill out all the boxes to submit your filing.
The "Need for Rule" paragraph should describe the changes made to the rules generally. For Example, "Due to House or Senate Bill, the rule have been amended to…” 

The "Justification for Temporary Filing” paragraph should explain what serious prejudice to the public will occur if you DO NOT file a Temporary Filing.

The system requires Rules Coordinators to select a box that they have shown and received approval from their delegated signers to file Permanent and Temporary filings. For your own records, we encourage you to maintain a dated email confirmation or signed form from when a filing was approved.

​​​​​Tip: Email a copy of the "Save as Text" document from the Filing draft to your Delegated Signer for approval. This document will match what is submitted and you can retain a digital approval signature for your rulemaking record.​​

The Agency Adopted date is the date an agency, a Board or Commission, or the Director adopts the final version of text. This is not always the filed date or even the Effective date. The Agency Adopted Date is the new name of the Adopt Date field.

​​​​​​​Statutory Minor Correction Filing

Select "Start SMC" from the Current Rules Queue on the Dashboard. A Minor Correction does not require a Notice filing, however it does require you to submit changes to a rule in accordance with ORS 183.335(7)​

Tip: If you have substantive changes in the works for this rule, wait to include your minor correction with that filing.
Using the checkboxes on the top of the filing, select which changes are made to the rule. Apply only those indicated changes in the rule text box below.​ At the bottom of the filing, you will be prompted to acknowledge that the only changes applied fall under ORS 183.335(7)​. Your agency is responsible for making sure no other changes are included.

​Statutory Minor Corrections are a filing type. They will receive an Administrative Order Number (AON) and are treated like a Permanent or Temporary Filing. For greater transparency, they will be traceable through the history of a rule.

Watch a YouTube video tutorial on SMC Filing >

Online Tutorials

​​What is OARD? 

The Oregon Administrative Rules Database is The Secretary of State's official resources for agencies wis​hing to file OARs. The online filing system contains each agency's rules, current draft text, filing draft text and public filing rule searches.



The main page. Start rule drafts and compile filings. Check published filings and search your OAR's.

Rules Coordinator (RC)

Agency staff with the ability to draft and edit rules, then attach them to a filing that is submitted to the Secretary of State (SOS). The point person for all Rules Writers. 

Rules Writer (RW)

Agency staff with ability to draft and edit rules then pass them to the Rules Coordinator to be included on a filing.

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