Historical Trademark FAQ

What is a trademark?

​A trademark is a word, name, symbol or device which is used in trade with goods to indicate the source of the goods and to distinguish them from the goods of others. A servicemark is the same as a trademark except that it identifies and distinguishes the source of a service rather than a product. The terms "trademark" and "mark" are commonly used to refer to both trademarks and servicemarks.​

How many trademarks are there?

​The database​ includes a selection of approximately 250 historical trademarks from the holdings of the Oregon State Archives. They were selected primarily for their visual appeal. The trademarks span the years 1864-1933. The Archives holds approximately 15,000 trademark descriptions, drawings, and labels. Contact the reference staff for additional information about viewing these other trademarks.

How can I search for trademarks?

​​You can search by:

Registration: A number was assigned at the time the trademark was filed with the Secretary of State. Searches can be performed using a registration number.

Date: Searches can be performed using a year or span of years when a trademark is filed. The trademarks in this database span the years 1864 – 1933. Hint: If you want to browse the collection, enter 1864 - 1931 in the date fields to bring back the most results

Product Name: Searches can be performed using the name of the product or words within the product name.

Business Name: Searches can be performed using the name of the business or words within the business name.

Owner: Searches can be performed using the individual business owners first or last name or both.

Trademark Description: Searches can be performed by entering a word or phrase in the trademark description field. Hints: salmon, fruit.

Goods and Services: Searches can be performed on different categories of goods and services selected from choices in the drop-​down menu. Note: Not all categories are hooked up to images.

Color: Searches can be performed based on predominate and secondary colors using color choices found in the drop-down menu.


How large are the images?

​The trademarks were scanned at 600 dpi and range from 3 MB to 200 MB. High speed internet is recommended for an electronic download. If you don’t have high speed internet, the trademark is also available on a CD.​​

How can I use these images?

Images are for research and personal use only. The Oregon Secretary of State, Archives Division provides the documents and images on this website for examination and inspection purposes pursuant to the Oregon Public Records Law. If you would like to purchase a copy of the document or image either by downloading or ordering through the Archives Division​, it is your responsibility to identify the owner of any intellectual property rights contained in the documents and images and get necessary clearances from the owner. 

Without the necessary clearances, any commercial, broadcast, or other use; reproduction; download; display; distribution; or modification of the documents or images may subject you to a claim for violation of the intellectual property rights contained in the documents and images.​​​

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Related Resources

Sold in Oregon:​ Historical Oregon Trademarks – Oregon State Archives web exhibit.

Trademark search – Oregon Public Records System.​​