Homeless Voters and Those Wishing Confidentiality
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Voting When Homeless
Homeless U.S. Citizens Have a Right to Vote
Voters must provide a residence address on the voter registration form, but this address may be any definable location in the county that describes their physical location. This could be a shelter, park, motor home, or other identifiable location. The mailing address of a person who is homeless or who resides where mail service is unavailable can be the
office of the county clerk. Voters can pick up their ballot at the county elections office.
Voting If Concerned for Personal Safety
Some may not want to register to vote because they don't feel safe disclosing their home address.
Under certain circumstances, a voter can register and vote while maintaining their privacy. To maintain privacy, complete the exemption form:
Application to Exempt Residence Address from Disclosure. Return it to your
county elections office, or ask a county elections official for more information.