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Oregon Secretary of State
Election Forms
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Forms Provided by the Elections Division
Candidate Filing
SEL 101:
Candidate Filing - Major Political Party or Nonpartisan
SEL 102:
Candidate Signature Sheet - Major Party (must be approved before circulating)
SEL 121:
Candidate Signature Sheet -Nonpartisan (must be approved before circulating)
SEL 110:
Candidate Filing - Minor Political Party
SEL 105
: Candidate Filing- Precinct Committee Person (online form)
SEL 105D
: Write-In Candidate Declaration PCP (online form)
SEL 105N
: Write-In Candidate Nomination PCP (online form)
SEL 114
: Candidate Filing - Individual Electors
SEL 122:
Candidate Signature Sheet - Individual Electors (must be approved before circulating)
SEL 115:
Candidate Filing - Assembly of Electors
SEL 116:
Candidate Signature Sheet - Assembly of Electors (must be approved before circulating)
SEL 141
: Write-In Candidate Acceptance Form (online form)
SEL 180
: Residence Address Exemption Request (online form)
: Candidate Filing
SEL 145
: Legislative Vacancy - Statement of Nominee's Willingness to Serve
SEL 150
: Candidate Filing - Withdrawal (online form)
SEL 338
: Petition Submission - Candidate, Voters' Pamphlet
Campaign Finance and Political Committees
SEL 220:
Statement of Organization for Candidate Committee
SEL 221:
Statement of Organization for Political Action Committee
SEL 222:
Statement of Organization for Petition Committee
PC 3
: Cash Expenditures and Loan Payments (online form)
PC 7:
Certificate of Limited Contributions and Expenditures
PC 12
: Statement of Corporate Paid-in-Capital (online form)
Voters' Pamphlet
SEL 338:
Petition Submission - Candidate, Voters' Pamphlet
SEL 400:
Statement of Endorsement for State Voters' Petition Submission
Initiative and Referendum
State Petitions
SEL 310
: Prospective Petition - State Initiative and Referendum (online form)
SEL 320
: Account Summary (online form)
SEL 319
: Template Approval - Initiative and Referendum
SEL 323
: Template Modification (online form)
SEL 324:
Notice of Ballot Title Challenge (online form)
SEL 339:
Petition Submission
SEL 375
: Withdrawal - Petition (online form)
Circulators of State Petitions
SEL 304
: Signature Gathering Firm Registration (online form)
SEL 305
: Termination of Circulator Authorization (online form)
SEL 307
: Agent Authorization Form (online form)
SEL 308:
Circulator Registration
SEL 309:
Chief Petitioner Acknowledgement
Local Petitions
SEL 370
: Prospective Petition - Local Initiative and Referendum (online form)
SEL 371:
Signature Sheet-Local Initiative and Referendum (must be approved before circulating)
SEL 369:
Cover Sheet - Local Initiative and Referendum (must be approved before circulating)
SEL 348
: Electronic Signature Sheet - Local Initiative and Referendum (must be approved before circulating)
SEL 339:
Petition Submission
SEL 375
: Withdrawal - Petition (online form)
Political Party
SEL 198:
Prospective Petition - Political Party Formation (online form)
SEL 321
: Template Modification – Political Party Formation (online form)
SEL 339
: Petition Submission
SEL 350:
Prospective Petition - Recall (online form)
SEL 351:
Signature Sheet – Local Recall (must be approved before circulating)
SEL 353:
Cover Sheet – Local Recall (must be approved before circulating)
SEL 349
: Electronic Signature Sheet- Local Recall (must be approved before circulating)
SEL 318
: Template Approval - Recall
SEL 322
: Template Modification - Recall (online form)
SEL 339
: Petition Submission
SEL 352
: Statement of Justification (online form)
SEL 375
: Withdrawal - Petition (online form)
Voter Registration
Voter Registration Cards
SEL 113:
Provisional Voter Registration Form
SEL 500:
Voter Registration Form
SEL 500:
Voter Registration Form (Large Print)
SEL 500:
Tarjeta de Inscripción de Elector de Oregon
SEL 500
: Tarjeta de Inscripción de Elector de Oregon (En Letra Grande)
SEL 500:
SEL 500:
Thẻ Đăng ký Bầu cử tại tiểu bang Oregon
SEL 500:
Kaarka Isku Diiwaan Delinta Cod Bixinta Oregon
SEL 500:
Регистрационная карточка избирателя, проживающего в Орегоне
SEL 505: Request for Voter Registration Cards
(online form)
SEL 540:
Signature Stamp Attestation Form
SEL 550:
Application to Exempt Voter Registration Address
Voting & Ballots
SEL 111:
Absentee Ballot Request Form
SEL 112:
Replacement Ballot Request Form
SEL 525:
Presidential Only Ballot Request Form
SEL 531:
Facsimile Vote Secret Ballot Waiver Form
SEL 535
Vote by Mail Challenge Form
SEL 620:
Voter Assistance Quick Guide
Data Requests
SEL 510
: Request for Statewide and Less Than Statewide Voter List (online form)
SEL 534:
Request for List of Ballot Challenges
For Elections Officials
SEL 801:
Notice of County Measure Election
SEL 802:
Notice of City Measure Election
SEL 803:
Notice of District Measure Election
SEL 804:
Withdrawal-Notice of Election
SEL 805:
Request for Ballot Title
SEL 800:
Demand for Recount
SEL 820:
Help America Vote Act (HAVA) Complaint Form
Report An Election Law Violation
City Incorporation and District Formation
SEL 701:
Prospective Petition for Incorporation of a City
SEL 702:
Petition for Incorporation of a City
SEL 702a:
Petition for Incorporation of a City
SEL 704:
Security Deposit for Special District Formation or Reorganization
SEL 705:
Petition to Create a City by Consolidation of Adjoining or Non-adjoining Cities or Unincorporated Territory
SEL 706:
Petition for Creation of a City Through Consolidation
National Voter Registration Act (NVRA)
SEL 503:
Voter Registration Card with Declination
SEL 503a:
Spanish Voter Registration Card with Declination
SEL 503d:
Oregon Voter Registration Declination
SEL 504c:
NVRA Site Coordinator Change Form (online form)
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