Oregon Secretary of State

Web Exhibits

​​Experience Oregon History

Life on the Home Front: Oregon Responds to World War II​​
Explore the experiences of Oregonians before, during and after the war.​

Oregon at War: World War I and the Oregon Experience
Experience life on the battlefront and home front.​

Showcasing the people, events​ and symbolism crucial to this cause.

Learn why and how towns grew and what forces contributed to their decline.

Black in Oregon, 1840-1870​
Showing the courage and resilience of Black pioneers who built lives for themselves and their families in Oregon.

Historic Columbia River Highway: One Hundred Years of the Poem in Stone​
A look back at the shaping of the historic Columbia River Highway which began construction in 1913.

Learn about people sent to the Oregon State Penitentiary on Prohibition charges. ​

A 1940 Journey Across Oregon
Travel across time with this exhibit matching state tourism photographs with colorful descriptions of an adventure from Ontario to Astoria.​

A 1940 Oregon Coast Tour​
Journey through historic Oregon with this exhibit blending tourism photographs and vintage WPA tour text about Oregon's striking coastline.​

Sold in Oregon: Historical Oregon Trademarks​​
Oregon's most interesting trademarks from the late 1800s and early 1900s.

Cooperative Projects and Events

Search thousands of Oregon images in this cooperative project of the Oregon State Archives, Salem Public Library and Marion County Historical Society.


Historical Trademark Labels

Browse colorful and historic artwork images.​

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Drawing of woman with short, dark hair, in an elegant long dress holding a sign reading "Votes for Women".
This Art Nouveau style poster by Bertha Boyé was designed for the California election of 1911. See more art and photographs in the online exhibit: Oregon Women and the Struggle for Suffrage