(Begin Letterhead) Ross M. Plummer, Secretary 260 Third Street, Portland C. G. Huntley, Treasurer Oregon City J. Lee Brown, President Marshfield Ross A. Farr, Astoria Edwin A. Hatch 897 East 11th Street, N. Portland, Oregon Oregon Board of Pharmacy Mashfield, Ore., Nov. 21, 1919. (End Letterhead) Hon. Geo. M. Brown, Attorney General, Salem, Ore. Dear Sir: There is a preparation in the form of a patent medicine called LYKO being sold throughout the state I have examined a sample of the article and in my opinion it has absolutely no medical value, and is put up expressly for beverage purposes. The label states that it contains 23% of alcohol by volume- enough to make a very popular "booze". I think the sale of this nostrum should be prohibited in this state. There are also a few other preparations like Beef Iron and Wine, and Bitter Herb Tonic that, in my opinion, should be prohibited. Assuring of mine, and the Board of Pharmacy's co-operation in enforcing the law, I am, Yours very truly, (Signature of J. Lee Borwn) President Oregon Board of Pharmacy.